Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Biggest Regret

My biggest regret is not spending any time with my dad. I had reasons, and I had the opportunities, but I never acted on them. I also thought that if my dad wanted to see me, he would come see me. My dad has been dead for seven years. I was only 8 when it happened. The memories that I have with him are vague and limited. Without pictures, I wouldn't even remember what he looked like. I wish that I could have spent more time with him, but you can't change the past. Now, I spend all the time I can with my family. I really don't want to make the same mistake again.

Friday, August 30, 2013

My Best Moment

Up until now, my greatest moment has been my 6th grade graduation. My 3rd grade to 5th grade years in elementary school were some of the hardest years of my young life. The teacher's were absolutely cruel people, and I am surprised that they were even allowed to associate with children. When I started 6th grade, I got the greatest teacher I had ever had, Mrs. Hall. She inspired me to work hard, and she believed in me in spite of what the other teachers had to say about me. She quickly learned why I didn't like any of my other teachers. She stood by my choices, and she made me into the person I am today. Graduating 6th grade was a huge milestone for me, and I will always hold it near and dear to my heart.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Worst Mistake

My worst mistake happened when I was in 3rd grade. To start off, the night before my first day of school, my dad died in a motorcycle accident. My mistake was going to school the next day. I tried to tell my teacher why I was so upset, but she didn't believe a word out of my mouth. She went around telling other staff members that I made up this story "to get attention". Me, being a furious little 3rd grader, marched into my teacher's classroom and confronted her. The only thing you could hear between all of her yelling, was me crying. I spent days out of school trying to get over how traumatized I was. Although the teacher "apologized", I will never forgive her for the way she made me feel. Who could blame me?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Rocks

This post was copied from my English blog, but I feel that you can learn a lot about me from it. Enjoy =)

On our first day back to school, our English teacher performed  a demonstration in which a jar represented our lives. She filled the jar with rocks, which represented the big, important parts of our lives. She then added pebbles, which represented the smaller things in our lives. She then finished filling the jar with sand, which represented everything else. I would like to tell you the important things in my life, my rocks. The first “rock” in my life is my family. My family is filled with people who show love,  support, care, acceptance, along with many other qualities that a good family should have. No matter how much we go through, we always seem to get through it with everyone’s help. I wouldn’t trade my family for the world. My next “rock” is my friends. I have such an amazing group of friends that I feel spoiled. I don’t think they realize how awesome they are. No matter how badly I may treat them at times, they always seem to stand by me. I have been friends with them for so long I feel that I could tell them anything. I am overall a lucky person to be able to associate with such great people. My third rock in my life is my music. Country music has been something that I have grown up with. My passion for music is so great, it is something that I couldn’t live without. I sing, play, and listen to country music. I think the fact that I can relate to everything I hear in country music makes me love it even more. My final “rock” that I want to mention is my passion for Youtube. Over the summer, I have spent most of my days watching Youtube videos. I have been struggling with something for quite a while, and have been really depressed over it. I didn’t have anyone to talk to, so I turned to Youtube. Watching other people talk about their problems kind of makes you feel better about yourself. Not to mention all of the smiles I get from watching people’s videos. Something that actually interest me more than blogging is vlogging. I would love to start posting videos on Youtube for other people to watch. Overall these are four of my rocks in life that I could not live without. These aren’t just things that interest me, they define who I am as a person, they are my rocks.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Links

I thought that I would give you a list of places where you can find me

Twitter                                             @16bhoose (student account)

                Twitter                                       @BrandonHoose (personal account)

Emails: or

Go stalk me!

Monday, August 26, 2013

About Me

Hello World, My name is Brandon Hoose. I am 15 years old and currently a sophomore at Sayre Area High School in the small town of Sayre, PA. I made my very first blog as a project for English class, and actually enjoyed posting. You can check out my English blog at ( I take three foreign languages in school: Je parle francais, Hablo espanol, Parlo italiano; French being my most fluent of the three. When the school day is over, I enjoy playing guitar and listening to country music. I also read blogs and watch vlogs on Youtube. Being able to express my opinions and talk about my life is like a dream come true. I hope someone enjoy's learning about me as I continue to learn more about myself. Thank you for visiting my blog!