Thursday, December 19, 2013

Outrage 5- *uck Dynasty, The Controversy

As of yesterday, there has been a huge stir of Duck Dynasty fans duking it out with A&E after the suspension of Phil Robertson for his anti-gay remarks. I am outraged in how the Duck Dynasty fans are reacting to this, and I fully support A&E's decision to suspend Phil from the show. Making remarks comparing homosexuality to bestiality is one of the most ridiculously offensive things I have ever seen. And Phil has a reputation for making homophobic remarks, as seen in the video below:

I feel that A&E made the right call here. In my opinion, "As far as I know, nobody has ever been denied their freedom of speech in this country. Until the government starts shoving socks down peoples throats, they are free to say whatever they wish. That being said, everything you ever say will have consequences. For example, If I told my best friend she was fat, I might lose her as my friend. I had every right to say that, but as a punishment, it compromised our friendship. If a man on a TV show wants to voice his opinions, he has every right to do so. But if the TV network is offended by what he said, they have every right to fire him. Nowhere in the first amendment does it say that you can't be punished for what you say. You can't go around calling African-Americans the "N" word all day long and get away with it. And I feel that lashes out like these against gay people are equally as offensive. And while he has every right to his opinion, it is not right to discriminate against a group of people who have no control over who they fall in love with." applaud A&E for making a bad money decision in order to uphold the rights of the LGBT community. I think it is great that such an influential television network is sticking up for the "little guys". 

If you agree with me, take a moment to go "like" this Facebook page to show your support to A&E