These are just small examples of their hateful messages. It would not surprise me if people committed suicide over these harsh words. And insulting my role models is just one thing. They said that the Sandy Hook victims were proof of God's wrath. When children die, yes I have a problem with these hateful messages. And saying that soldiers die for gay marriage, they are full of "bull" for a more appropriate term. Human rights are human rights, and people do not need to die for them. I can honestly say that I HATE these people. I could care less if their church got bombed with all of them in it. I would probably sleep better at night knowing that things can get better.The only good thing that has come out of this so far is the Equality House.
The Equality house was purchased and painted this color to support equality for gay people. I know that homosexuality has been in a lot of my more recent blogs, but I am a huge human rights activist. Seeing people like WBC makes me want to put more good in the world, even if that means them being put out of the world. I can say that one of my biggest goals in life is to be able to picket Fred Phelps funeral.
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