Thursday, November 14, 2013

Field Trip To Woodstock

In English class, we have been studying how author’s purpose, social commentary, and themes directly relate to the Woodstock era music of the 1960′s. To further enhance our knowledge of events that occurred in the 60′s, our class took a field trip to Bethel Woods Center for the Arts in Bethel, NY; the original site of the famous three day concert held in 1969.
One theme of the 1960′s was a movement that involved Civil Rights for African-Americans, along with equal rights for women that could only be achieved with perseverance. Another theme was that war could not be avoided without protesting the government. However, the major theme that can be concluded  is that peace and love could only be reached by giving everyone the same freedoms, and treating everyone equally. I feel that this message is very powerful because of how much truth it still holds today. With human rights struggles that occur in today’s society, along with American’s questioning their freedoms, you have to wonder how long it will be before we have a peace in The United States.
Through the amount of study we have done in class on Woodstock, and the field trip, I was able to learn some new information on author’s purpose and social commentary. For example, I learned that is not unusual for 1960′s songwriters to be very blunt on how they express social issues in their work. Songs such as “Vietnam Song” by Country Joe and the Fish, “Uncle Sam Blues” by Jefferson Airplane, and “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival are all very clear with their messages. These songs are all anti-war and very clearly show that opinion.
Personally, I feel that this whole Woodstock experience has inspired me a lot more than I ever expected. The reason I feel this way is that the youth today is very similar to the hippies in the 1960′s. The hippies were a generation than “rebelled” against the older generation because of conflicting opinions. Today I feel that the younger generation is more open minded then the older generation, causing different opinions. I also feel that in general, America’s youth feel misunderstood by the older generations. The fact that we are unafraid to express ourselves is very inspiring, and this idea originated with the hippies. For this, I feel that this lesson was very beneficial for me as a person. Aside from the field trip being phenomenal. I would definitely recommend the trip again, it is an experience that I probably will never forget!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Outrage 4- Mistreated and Misunderstood

Recently I have been really upset about how people can judge you, and treat you a certain way about something that they have zero understanding on whatsoever. People assume things about you, when they don't know the whole story of why you do the things that you do. I feel like I go out of my way to help others, and sometimes that means putting a smile on my face no matter how bad I may feel at the time. I make fun of myself if it means making someone else's day better. Yet I feel that I am constantly judged when people don't know anything about me. I would be lying to you if I said that 2013 was a good year. Truth be told it is hell, and I can't wait for it to be over. But aside from that, I find myself having a hard time staying happy when little things that people say continue to hurt, and they don't realize it. For example, I had a teacher today tell me in a nutshell that my constant lack of effort is causing me to get a low grade. I only missed one homework assignment. I have always done my work and always gave my best effort. If the teacher knew that I was at the hospital until midnight, and awake until 4 am doing homework, than maybe she wouldn't have been so mean about it. Honestly little things like this are what hurt me the most. I take pride in my schoolwork, and I take comments to heart. Hearing this in an already bad situation doesn't make things any better. And my friends are ever worse with this. I feel like I am constantly smiling and joking with my friends just to make them feel better. If they know half of the stuff that was going on with me, they would seriously wonder how I manage to hide it. I sometimes ask myself how I am able to "fake being happy". I feel like I am a time bomb of emotions waiting to go off. I am tired of being mistreated for things I can't control. I just have to stop hiding my emotions. I can't keep staying happy when on the inside I feel miserable. Something has to give, or I am just going to stop trying...

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Dr. Suess Story is Finished! -- Fishing in the Land of Shoom

In a faraway place called the Land of Shoom
There were three types of people, two that were happy, one that caused gloom.
These people were called the ShoomLauxes, ShoomBophe, and ShoomPro
And by the end of this tale, The ShoomBophe will be eating crow.

It all started one day when the Shoom people were fishing down at the pond
When the ShoomPro leader approached from far far beyond.
When he got closer, not so far out of reach
The ShoomPro leader stood up, and gave a magnificent speech:

"Before I begin, everyone get in a pair
The announcement I have is to make you aware
That I come baring great news, something that must be expressed
The Land of Shoom is having our first ever fishing contest!"
"Hurry up, come on, there is no time to waste!"
The Shoom people paired up, and did so with haste.

This news made the Shoom people as happy as clowns
Until two ShoomLauxes showed up and brought the happiness down.
The ShoomLauxes asked, "Are we allowed to enter in your fishing event?"
The ShoomBophe leader started yelling, his heart must be made of cement.
"Absolutely not! Your kind is not allowed to fish at our fishing contest!"
"Why not?" Asked the ShoomPro leader. "What makes you protest?"

"The ShoomLauxes are Weird, with a capital 'W'
A bunch of monkeys that escaped from the zoo."
The wind howled its objection
But the ShoomBophe leader thought nothing of this rejection.
"I can give you a million reasons why the ShoomLauxes are bad
And thousands of reasons that they make me mad."

The ShoomPro leader said, "Please you must give them a chance
You cannot judge a group of people just by first glance."
This interuption took the ShoomBophe leader by surprise
But he kept his mouth shut, a choice rather wise.

The ShoomPro leader continued, "Don't judge them solely by their pink triangle tattoos
Because on the inside, they are no different than me or you.
The ShoomLauxes have feelings too, and your words do hurt
You need to change your views, it is time you convert.

The ShoomBophe leader said, "We cannot change, we are set in our ways
we have hated the ShoomLauxes for all of our days.
 But since you are a better leader than me
I will allow the ShoomLauxes to enter, however I don't agree."

The ShoomPro leader said, " Now, without farther delay
I will explain the rules, and you can take it away.
You have exactly one hour, and not a minute more
to see who can catch the most fish in this Great Fishing War!
You and your partner may wonder how this contest is significant
This isn't just for fun, it's serious business...
You could win The Top Fishers' Certificate!"
"Now, are there anymore questions I can reasonably allow?"
"No, well get ready, your time starts...NOW!

The Shoom people casted out their lines and began to fish.
And they looked to the sky and began to wish.
"Please let me be the one who catches the most
I am a pro, although I don't usually boast."
The wishing went on, and the fishing went on until time ran out
The contest had a clear winner, there was no doubt
The ShoomLauxes caught more than 2,000 rainbow trout

The ShoomPro were shocked, the ShoomBophe were angry
But the ShoomLauxes were humble, very humble quite frankly
The Top Fishers' Certificate was the ShoomLauxes reward
This was a big step in moving forward
For the rights of all people to be given equally
A step away from this cruel world's indecency.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Outrage 3- Teachers Being Disrespected

I know that today is not Tuesday, but nevertheless I need to get something off of my chest that has been infuriating me for quite some time. Teachers in my school district are being disrespected for absolutely no reason whatsoever. And oddly enough, it is the ADMINISTRATION at my school who is the biggest culprit. For all the administrators who tell their students to, "Respect your teachers" I would like to tell you to PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. My school is a small group of only about 500 students, and overall I feel like we are a great group of people. And many of our teachers are absolutely phenomenal. They show us respect as students, they provide us with a comfortable working atmosphere, and they really do teach us A LOT! So why does the administration thinks that it is acceptable to call-out the teachers on how they need to improve. News flash, our teachers are passionate about what they do, and they give us their all. You wouldn't believe how often I hear my teachers say how much they love their jobs, and their students. But when the "higher-ups" treat their employees like scum, it is not acceptable. I do not want to see my teachers crying because of how they are being treated. It absolutely disgusts me! I aim to make it very clear to all of my teachers how much I truly appreciate them. And I can only hope that things get better.