Friday, November 1, 2013

Outrage 3- Teachers Being Disrespected

I know that today is not Tuesday, but nevertheless I need to get something off of my chest that has been infuriating me for quite some time. Teachers in my school district are being disrespected for absolutely no reason whatsoever. And oddly enough, it is the ADMINISTRATION at my school who is the biggest culprit. For all the administrators who tell their students to, "Respect your teachers" I would like to tell you to PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. My school is a small group of only about 500 students, and overall I feel like we are a great group of people. And many of our teachers are absolutely phenomenal. They show us respect as students, they provide us with a comfortable working atmosphere, and they really do teach us A LOT! So why does the administration thinks that it is acceptable to call-out the teachers on how they need to improve. News flash, our teachers are passionate about what they do, and they give us their all. You wouldn't believe how often I hear my teachers say how much they love their jobs, and their students. But when the "higher-ups" treat their employees like scum, it is not acceptable. I do not want to see my teachers crying because of how they are being treated. It absolutely disgusts me! I aim to make it very clear to all of my teachers how much I truly appreciate them. And I can only hope that things get better.

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