Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Outrage 6- Teen Receives Death Threats

The story that I just read is something horrific that I cannot even begin to fathom. A teen in Minnesota recently received two anonymous death threats for his sexuality. The original story can be found on the PFLAG Facebook page or TheGailyGrind website here. Below is a link to the video that led to these violent threats and a copy of the message. **WARNING** Some of the words used are vulgar, and the situations presented are not suitable for everyone.

The Video

After reading the letter, you can see why this would upset me. I have reached out to the teen in hopes of giving him a positive message to hang in there. Hopefully I can be kept up to date as to if the students who wrote this letter get caught. It absolutely sickens me that people can be so ignorant, intolerant, and hateful. It is situations like this who make me want to lose faith in humanity. People should never treat another human being like this. It is uncalled for. Words can't describe how much this upsets me. It is not gay people who are hurting society, it is people like this who have nothing but hate in their heart. I can only hope that things get better for Ryan, and hopefully we can stay in touch. 

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