Thursday, October 24, 2013


Friends, in general, are a must have if you ever want to make it through the rough patches in life. And the number of friends you have doesn't necessarily matter, as long as you have good friends. Recently, I have noticed a change in my friends, and it is definitely for the better. I have seen that my friends and I are getting really close. We can talk about just about anything and they are really supportive through everything I have been going through recently. I have also noticed people who I wouldn't even call my "good friends" supporting me. The people at my school in general a great people, and I am so blessed to live in such a great community. Being able to have "guy friends" that accept you as gay is a huge deal. Overall, I have just been feeling so happy recently, and I couldn't have done it without my friends. After having a stressful year from hell, it feels great to know that my friends will be there for me when I need them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Bucket List

After getting assigned this topic for an English blog post, I thought that it would also make a good post for my personal blog. So here is a compiled list of 25 things I want to do before I die.

1. Graduate High School
2. Go to College
3. Fly in an airplane or helicopter
4. Travel the world
5. Meet Taylor Swift, amongst other celebrities 
6. Enconter my favorite Youtubers
7. Get married
8. Become a teacher
9. Survive a week in the wilderness without food,water,shelter, or technology
10. Spend New Years in Time Square
11. Find a message in a bottle
12. Donate blood
13. Go scuba diving
14. Watch the sunset on the Pacific Coast
15. Ride a roller coaster
16. Do something charitable (Buy Christmas presents for orphans, etc.)
17. Visit Area 51
18. Help a random person in need
19. Set a world record
20. Ride in a hot air balloon
21. Have an epiphany moment/ life-changing experience
22. Live vegan for a week
23. Go to the CMA’s
24. Picket Fred Phelps’ funeral…
25. Live a rewarding, unregrettable, successful, happy, all around great life =P

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Outrage 2- Suicide

Suicide being the topic of my last segment of Outrage, I felt that I needed to do a more general discussion about suicide, and mainly for people who are having suicidal thoughts. This is my message to the people who struggle with this.

Please do not think that there is ever a point in your life that is so terrible that you would rather die. Life is a series of ups and downs for everybody. Just because you are having it rough right now, doesn't mean that things won't get better. There are people out there who have it worse than you, but they are still pushing on. No matter how bad you feel, there is always someone who has it worse. And not to mention that life is greatest gift we are all given. You only get one shot at life, don't make the mistake of ending it early. I have had suicide effect me personally, and trust me, it is not a fun experience for anybody. A good friend of mine got bullied so bad that he hung himself. The trauma that it put his friends and family through is not worth it. I have also experienced having a family member die young. My dad died when he was only 27, and I was 8 at the time. And at 8 years old, I felt like my life was pointless. The only reason that I didn't end my own life was because I had to be there for my mom. For the past 6 months I have been struggling with my sexuality. No matter how depressed I got, I kept pushing on. On Friday, I came out of the closet to my friends. And right now I couldn't be any happier. I know the road that awaits me will have some downfalls, but I am ready for them. The whole point of me telling my story is to show that life is nothing more than a roller coaster ride. You climb all the way to the top of a hill, just to have a scary drop. But before you know it, the ride is over. Don't take life for granted. It is a precious gift, and there is never any reason to feel worthless enough to kill yourself. Just stay strong, and keep your head high. Things will get better!

The suicides that happen in the world occur at an alarming rate, and it breaks my heart. And again, this all goes back to my ranting on equality and not passing judgment. This world would be so much greater if you would give out a compliment, rather than an insult. Stick up for victims of bullying instead of being a bully. Do what is morally right as a person. In the long run, you won't regret it. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Suggestions List

I am writing this post because I have been having a hard time recently coming up with ideas for new content. I have started to create drafts whenever I come up with ideas so that I don't forget them. But even still, it is hard to write posts when you don't have a topic. So in my desperation, I am asking for your help. This blog gets a decent number of views, but as of yet no comments. So in order to initiate this, I am asking you to leave a comment on this post with a suggestion/topic for a new post. Throw any idea out there that you might have, because I am in dire need of new content. Thank you in advance to those who help me out. Also feel free to leave comments on my old post telling me what you think. Truthfully, it is hard to write for an audience that you don't know anything about. So your opinions will help me with future post. Again, thank you!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Those Who Make an Effort, Make an Impact

In life, I have found that a majority of people have a tenancy to "take the easy way out." I have even noticed myself doing such in certain circumstances. But there are a small amount of people who actually work hard for the sake of helping others. And I feel that these are the people who make the greatest impact on a persons' life. There are people out there who do enough to get by, and others who work hard to get ahead. I feel that the people who come out of their way to help me are the people who keep me going. I strive for success, and I feel that it comes much easier when you have people in your life who present you with challenges. And for this, I would like to say thank you to those who make an effort, because your hard work is appreciated.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Writing Like Suess

As many people know, Dr. Suess wasn't just a successful author of children's books. He was a also a political writer, with many of his stories being allegories. After analyzing the works of Dr. Suess in our English class, my teacher thought it would be a fun project to write our own Dr. Suess styled stories, which we will read to a first grade class in our district. The challenge is to write a story about a social issue, but make it a hidden message inside a children's book. I have decided to write about gay rights. I am very excited to get started on this project and will hopefully share my story once it is finished.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Apology

For those of you who actually read my blog, you will notice that I have not posted in quite a few weeks. I am so sorry for that, but I have had a lot going on recently. For those of you who didn't know, yesterday was National Coming Out Day. Yesterday, along with many other people, I decided that I was tired of the closet. After all, closets are meant for clothes, not people. Yesterday I decided that I wasn't going to let sexuality be an issue for me anymore. I was able to successfully tell 3 of the 4 people who I actually wanted to know. In the process, 2 other friends, plus my entire Algebra 2 class found out. Let's just say that math wasn't the number one thing being talked about in that room...Along with this issue, I have had other family/personal things going on that has made blogging near impossible. I have been in a pretty downer mood, and haven't been doing much of anything. In all honesty, I haven't done any of my homework for the past week. Still, I wanted to let you guys know that I haven't given up on blogging, and I plan on putting up some new content very soon.