Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Outrage 2- Suicide

Suicide being the topic of my last segment of Outrage, I felt that I needed to do a more general discussion about suicide, and mainly for people who are having suicidal thoughts. This is my message to the people who struggle with this.

Please do not think that there is ever a point in your life that is so terrible that you would rather die. Life is a series of ups and downs for everybody. Just because you are having it rough right now, doesn't mean that things won't get better. There are people out there who have it worse than you, but they are still pushing on. No matter how bad you feel, there is always someone who has it worse. And not to mention that life is greatest gift we are all given. You only get one shot at life, don't make the mistake of ending it early. I have had suicide effect me personally, and trust me, it is not a fun experience for anybody. A good friend of mine got bullied so bad that he hung himself. The trauma that it put his friends and family through is not worth it. I have also experienced having a family member die young. My dad died when he was only 27, and I was 8 at the time. And at 8 years old, I felt like my life was pointless. The only reason that I didn't end my own life was because I had to be there for my mom. For the past 6 months I have been struggling with my sexuality. No matter how depressed I got, I kept pushing on. On Friday, I came out of the closet to my friends. And right now I couldn't be any happier. I know the road that awaits me will have some downfalls, but I am ready for them. The whole point of me telling my story is to show that life is nothing more than a roller coaster ride. You climb all the way to the top of a hill, just to have a scary drop. But before you know it, the ride is over. Don't take life for granted. It is a precious gift, and there is never any reason to feel worthless enough to kill yourself. Just stay strong, and keep your head high. Things will get better!

The suicides that happen in the world occur at an alarming rate, and it breaks my heart. And again, this all goes back to my ranting on equality and not passing judgment. This world would be so much greater if you would give out a compliment, rather than an insult. Stick up for victims of bullying instead of being a bully. Do what is morally right as a person. In the long run, you won't regret it. 

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