Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Religion

My religion is a topic I don't like to discuss in great detail, because of all the controversy it can cause. But today I decided that I need to explain to people why I feel the way that I do. I challenge Christians to read what I have to say, but don't leave any harsh comments. I am going to try to keep things peaceful. To start off, I am an Atheist. I used to go to church every Sunday from 5-13 years old, and during that time, I never even looked in a Bible. At 13, I stopped going to church after I realized that I am an atheist and don't believe in god. Today, at 15 years old, for the past week, I couldn't take my face out of the Bible. I know it sounds weird, but I am trying to find as many of the mistakes in it as I can. In Bible times, people believed that the Earth was flat, that the Earth was created before the Sun, and that the Moon is a source of light. Today, science has proved that none of these are true. Still, these views are more logical than what Christians today believe. Christians today believe in talking animals, a boat big enough to hold 2 of every animal, magical trees, water turned to wine, water being walked on, and 5000 people being fed by five loaves of bread and two fish. You can see why I have my doubts. But now, to get to the fun part of my rant. Let's start by talking about prayer. Why do people pray? God has a plan for all of us, so why ask more of him. Is God's divine plan not good enough for you? And why aren't you going out and actually doing something good for the world? Kids are starving in Africa, and you are praying because you think you have it so rough. Next point, the Bible. As I mentioned, it is full of flaws. If it is the "word of God" than why is it limited to what people knew 2000 years ago. You wouldn't expect God's "Holy Word" to have these limits. My next point is heaven. In heaven, there is no sin, no lust, only love for God. Who really wants to go? I like to swear, and I like to find people attractive. Why would I want to spend eternity worshiping someone who has done absolutely nothing for me. And Hell, was designed by God to punish his children for their sins. So why do we have free will? The only thing we get in return is an eternity in a pit of fire. Next, why does god test us if he is all-knowing? It's pointless to make someone live a life when you know if they are going to succeed or fail, he has a pointless job. Why put your children through a lifetime of misery, for no reason? That doesn't sound like something a loving God would do. Next, let's talk about Christians. A majority of them are the biggest hypocrites you can ever find. When it comes to sins, they never confess them, always commit them, and every Sunday they preach against them. They ignore the Bible entirely. They say to hate the sin, not the sinner, yet they condemn and judge people on a daily basis. Church turned from the house of god, to the house of gossip. People go to church to talk about how everyone else is failing at life, just to make them feel better about themselves. Last point, were we made in God's image? If so, why are there gays, thieves, drug addicts, liars, and murderers? If we were made in the image of a perfect being, then why are we so flawed? In my opinion, god created man, and man created sin, so ultimately, god was the one who created sin. Christians won't agree with this, considering that god is so perfect in their eyes. Truth be told, if god is real, then he is more flawed then any man on earth, because god created man, and all of our imperfections. If god wanted a sin free world, you think his all-powerful hands could zap one into existence, without failing. You can see why I have every reason to question God's existence. The biggest reason I am an atheist is a lack of proof. I will end by saying that I will never believe in god. I will never be satisfied with that sort of lifestyle. As long as I live a rewarding life, then who cares. If there is a god, then he should be proud that in spite of what others say, I stand firm in what I believe in. In my eyes their are good Christians, and even bad atheist, people are people and can be good or bad no matter what they believe. Christians preach their beliefs every Sunday, and I am here to post mine. I am not here to try and convert people to atheism, I can only hope that this will give you something to think about.

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