Monday, September 9, 2013

Phone Call for Matt Daly

As I mentioned in my last post, I have a little obsession with Matt Daly. Recently, I got to have a phone conversation with him. He was hosting a radio show for his college in Michigan, and I "happened" to tune in online. Being the determined person that I am, I kept calling for an hour until I actually got to talk to Matt. We talked about a couple rock songs they were playing on the station, and I jokingly asked him if the Arctic Monkeys could beat bipolarbananas in a fight (The Arctic Monkeys are a band and bipolarbananas is Matt's Youtube name). He said that the Arctic Monkeys could use their freezing powers to beat him in a fight. I don't know why but this made me laugh. He thanked me for calling him and did a shout out to me on the radio show. Honestly, this day could not have been any better!

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